The Advantages of Natural Wool Insulation
Wool is the only natural “purpose made” fibre, universally used for personal warmth and comfort in many modern products such as carpets, rugs, fabrics, bedding, upholstery and clothing.
Insulwool® presents a range of wool insulation products that are safe for your personal health and well being and to your environment – particularly for your immediate living space – your home.
What are the Benefits of Choosing Insulwool Woollen Insulation Products?
- Insulwool® uses safe natural wool because it possesses “high tech” characteristics, which are essential to perform effectively and efficiently as a home or commercial insulation.
- Each wool fibre has interlocking scales on its outer surface which ensure strength, resilience and pliability. This allows it to bend without breaking, yet return to hold form and shape.
- Insulwool® wool insulation products are unique in that they are durable and yet very luxurious to handle. As well they absorb sound, are fire resistant, non-corrosive and absorb and desorb moisture (moisture is not trapped or retained).
- Insulwool® wool insulation products will make your home or building warmer in winter and cooler in summer, with increased savings on your energy account.
- As these characteristics occur naturally with Insulwool® we are able to provide effective, efficient and affordable superior thermal insulation products that consistently out-perform other insulations. And they are from local, readily available sources,
- Insulwool® has been tested both by a certified laboratory in New Zealand, the Australian Wool Testing Authority and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Australia (CSIRO test report T990) to NZ standard 4222 for loosefill insulating materials for thermal conductivity, moisture retention, corrosiveness and inflammability.
- Insulwool® has also been tested for sound absorbtion at the University of Auckland (test report T433).
To provide consumers of Insulwool® products peace of mind for effective and consistent thermal performance and durability, all Insulwool® products are manufactured using specialised equipment to produce product to tested specifications.